Contact Us

Whistleblower? It’s not a problem.

How to prevent abuse in your company?
We provide comprehensive services to handle report breaches of Union law pursuant to Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parlament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of the persons who report breaches of Union law.  

Basic Package
Services in accordance with the Directive according to our model  

Premium package
Services in accordance with the Directive according to the model agrees with the counterparty 

Our services consist in the implementation of legal and IT solutions at the counterparty - in an integrated manner - in order to outsource partial or full service of reports of breaches.

Who we are?
SignAlert Sp. z o.o. is an independent, professional contractor. It was established to handle reports of breaches under Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parlament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of the Whistleblower. 

What do we offer?
LEGAL SOLUTIONS consisting of preparation of the procedure for reporting breaches and the analysis of reports of breaches in terms of the provisions of the Directive
TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS consisting of handling reports of breaches in PROLEGAL24 application.    

Why choose us?
We dispose of know-how worked out during years of practice concerning the methodology of proceedings in the field of accepting internal reports of breaches and providing feedback to the whistleblower.   


We provide an internal channel for informing about breaches under Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parlament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of the persons who report breaches of Union law.
We offer technical and organizational solutions meeting the standards resulting from Directive: 

  1. Handing over the internal reporting procedures for the counterparty that takes into account legal and organizational requirements;
  2. Handing over the PROLEGAL24 application which is an internal channel for informing about breaches with a dedicated application link;
  3. Accepting reports of breaches;
  4. Preselection of report of breaches and evaluation of report of breaches;
  5. Legal analysis of the reports of breaches and analysis of evidence;
  6. Giving feedback to the reporting persons including information about the action envisaged accordance with the Directive;
  7. Providing information to the counterparty about their need to carry out follow-up activities about breaches.  

Comprehensive provision of services consisting in handling reports of breaches in the PROLEGAL24 application, ensuring contact with the whistleblower and giving feedback to the reporting persons including information about the action envisaged is a guarantee for the whistleblower and the counterparty full independence of the process and ensures the required confidentiality of reports of breaches.
The Standard package includes:  

  1. Handing over the internal reporting procedures;
  2. Handing over the PROLEGAL24 application which is an internal channel for informing about breaches with a dedicated application link;
  3. Data storage security;
  4. Encryption and confidentiality of reports of breaches;
  5. Data protection of the whistleblower;
  6. Selection of reports of breaches;
  7. Reporting of reports of breaches;
  8. Giving feedback to the reporting persons including information about the action envisaged;
  9. Archiving of reports of breaches;
  10. Keeping a register of reports of breaches. 

The Premium package includes:
Service is prepared individually for the needs of the counterparty. 


The Standard package includes:

  1. Handing over the internal reporting procedures for the counterparty that takes into account legal and organizational requirements;
  2. Handing over the PROLEGAL24 application which is an internal channel for informing about breaches with a dedicated application link;
  3. Handling of reports of breaches by signAlert operators - accepting reports of breaches, preselection of reports of breaches, giving feedback to the reporting persons including information about the action envisaged, providing information to the counterparty about their need to carry out follow-up activities about breaches, reporting of reports of breaches. 

The Premium package includes:
Includes a range of services for STANDARD PACKAGE and dedicated audit and implementation activities in the field of: 

  1. compliance management – full whistleblowing system implementation;
  2. verification of legal documentation;
  3. adjusting PROLEGAL24 application to the needs of the counterparty;
  4. compliance implementation;
  5. legal assistance in investigations and follow-up activities. 


signAlert Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mieczysława Karłowicza 13/5
40-145 Katowice
KRS: 0000754700
NIP: 9542798022

Contact details

Chairman of the Board (CEO) Grzegorz Wicher
+48 570 100 707

Deputy Chairman of the Board Mateusz Warchał
+48 502 333 235

Content Director Wiktoria Cieśla
+48 600 927 770

Marketing Director Robert Dudek
+48 501 342 456